Web and mobile app design

Why is app layout crucial in the development process? By understanding the habits, routines, and cognitive skills of your users, you'll craft an app they're likely to use regularly. The history of software is filled with examples of excellent programs that failed to gain popularity due to a confusing interface.

What is mobile application design?

Nowadays, software design is a distinct field of science that blends elements of psychology, cognitive science, and graphic design. A skilled specialist can create an application in such a way that even first-time users effortlessly find and utilize all functions, without needing to ponder their placement or operation. In mobile application design, it's not just the layout of individual elements that matters, but also the graphic elements, animations, and pathways through the app's functionalities. At Escola, we provide comprehensive support throughout the mobile and web application design process. Our expert team ensures smooth navigation, helping you avoid project failures and earn user favor with a well-crafted application. 

Where to start web and mobile app design?

Whether you are going to design a mobile app or a web app, the first step on the design path is to collect the necessary data.

The data you provide us is critical to the correct execution of the application design process. Thanks to them, Escola specialists can adjust the individual elements of the program to the specifics of the user. Having a set of information, we tailor the application to the possibilities arising from the age, specificity and place of work with the software, as well as the capabilities and expectations of users.

It is also worth paying attention to the type of application being designed. Each type of program places different demands on the user and requires a different way of matching the interface to the device on which your app will be operated.

Mobile application design

We develop applications used on mobile devices with small screen and handheld operation in mind. Touch screens provide diverse user experiences, making the expertise of specialists invaluable in aligning application functions with device capabilities and user behaviors during project implementation.

Web app design

In the case of web applications, the design issue is definitely more complex. Often this type of application should offer usability on both mobile devices and computer screens. Therefore, designing the interface and functionality requires predicting the behavior of not only users of one platform, but also responding to the needs of a much wider audience.

In this case, as application design specialists, we support your project both in the context of use on phones and computers. As a result, you are assured that the users of your application will easily use its capabilities, regardless of the device.

Is app design solely about graphic design?

Designing both mobile and web apps involves graphic design elements. However, the primary focus of this stage in application development is integrating the necessary functionality into the software interface. Simply having functional capabilities doesn't ensure an app's success, it must be designed so that users naturally engage with its features. Our goal is to ensure that the graphical aspect of the application guides users intuitively through its functionalities.

We work to guarantee you that the graphical side of the application will provide users with the functionalities offered by it in an intuitive way.

Designing mobile and web apps – the end result

The application design process begins with creating visualizations that depict the required functionality. These visualizations include graphic representations of specific screens, windows, or animations that will be part of the program. Once the design stage is finished, for both mobile and web applications, we provide you with a realistic preview of the final version of your idea. This enables you to assess the technological and usability aspects and compare them with your requirements.