Consulting IT

Modern business relies on advanced technologies and IT solutions that affect the development and operation of businesses. Having IT competence in the team is a key value that allows effective planning, analysis and implementation of software tailored to the individual needs of each business. Complementing the competence needed to efficiently optimize and automate business processes are people with specific knowledge and skills.

Consulting is the support that a modern organization needs when planning for digitalization. It includes optimizing processes, increasing efficiency, and helping to achieve long-term strategic goals. At Escola, we help prepare and implement projects at the highest level. With our team of experts, entrepreneurs can focus on their business, knowing that their software is developed according to best practices and market needs.

"Digital transformation is a key element in the development of modern companies. The use of modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and cloud computing, allows achieving a competitive advantage in the market. IT consulting should not only support the development of strategies, but also provide full support in the process of implementing IT solutions, enabling companies to effectively adapt to the dynamically changing business environment." -  Maciej Madzinski PhD


Our team of experts

Our main goal is to provide professional support that allows our clients to achieve the best results. By working with us, you gain access to knowledge and skills, a group of specialists with extensive experience, high competence and diverse specializations that will help you achieve your business goals and enable you to optimize and streamline key processes.

01  |  Experts in Business Process Analysis and Optimization

In a competitive market, the key to success is the optimization of business processes and their continuous improvement. At Escola, we provide consulting services that help companies identify areas for improvement and implement changes to increase operational efficiency. With our experience, we offer our clients practical and effective solutions that translate into tangible business benefits.

"Our goal is to help companies become more efficient and competitive in the market.” - Maciej Madzinski PhD

02  |  Advice on defining goals and strategies for IT projects

A key element of successful engagement with a client is a thorough understanding of their needs and business objectives. Therefore, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the client's needs, research the market, identify risks and opportunities, and then develop recommendations to optimize the company's operations and achieve better results.

"A good needs analysis is the basis for developing effective strategies that bring real benefits to our clients.” - Kamil Grzejek

03  |  Financial Optimization and Efficiency

Finances are the foundation of any business, so we offer financial advisory services to help companies assess the accuracy and completeness of their financial statements and identify areas for improvement to increase financial efficiency. We also assist clients with budget planning, cost management, and revenue generation. 

"Financial management is the key to the stability and success of any business.” - Mikolaj Sibiga

04  |  Compliance with Laws and Industry Standards

Business operations must comply with applicable laws and industry standards. Our team of experts analyzes an organization's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, identifies areas for improvement, and recommends changes to ensure better adherence to applicable regulations.

"Compliance is not only an obligation, but also an opportunity to build customer trust.” - Jakub Kasnowski

05  |  Go-to-market support

Bringing a product to market is a challenge that demands effective marketing and sales strategies. We can assist you with crafting those strategies to target your product to the right audience, generate interest, and accelerate the product launch process.

"Developing the effective product launch strategies enables our clients to achieve success faster.” - Krzysztof Wojewodzic PhD 

06  |  Expert marketing advice

Marketing and advertising are important elements that influence customer interest and sales growth. Our team designs marketing strategy, advertising and promotional campaigns, brand management and corporate identity, and analyzes the effectiveness of marketing activities.

"Creativity and data analysis are the keys to success in marketing and advertising.” - Luke Zielonka

07  |  Modern sales strategies

In the digital age, online sales play an increasingly important role. At Escola, we help clients design and implement online sales strategies, develop e-commerce platforms, and integrate with payment and logistics systems to optimize the user experience and increase sales efficiency.

"We help companies succeed in online sales by adapting to their needs and expectations.” - Daniel Parzych

08  |  Employee training and skills development - the key to success

Skills development and employee training are key to the long-term success of any business. Our services include designing training programs that meet the interests and needs of employees and the business, career development support and advice, and talent management.

"Investing in the development of our employees leads to the success of the entire organization" - Katarzyna Kowalik

Consulting Services

We offer a wide range of IT consulting services to help organizations achieve their business goals and realize the potential of technology. Our team assists clients at every stage of the project, from needs assessment to implementation and optimization of IT solutions. Here are the main areas of our activities:

Needs and Requirements Analysis

Our experts help you understand your business needs and develop strategies to achieve your goals. Through a needs and requirements analysis, we identify key areas that require attention and help you create an action plan.

The resulting elements of a needs and requirements analysis may include:

  • Needs Analysis - a document detailing identified business needs, functional and non-functional requirements, and potential areas for improvement,
  • Business Process Map - a graphical representation of the processes to be optimized or implemented, including key elements such as roles, resources, and relationships between them,
  • Roadmap - a document that outlines the specific steps and actions needed to implement the project, along with a timeline and estimated costs.

Digital Transformation Strategy

Assisting in the development and implementation of a digital transformation strategy to help your business adapt to changing market conditions. With our support, you can harness the latest technologies and solutions to streamline operations and enhance competitiveness.

Deliverables of a digital transformation strategy may include:

  • Digital Transformation Strategy - a document that outlines the vision, goals, and direction for the organization's digital transformation.
  • Implementation Plan - a detailed description of the steps, timeline, and resources required to implement the digital transformation strategy.
  • Risk Analysis and Management - a document that identifies, assesses, and manages the risks associated with digital transformation.

Technology Selection

We can help you select the right technologies and tools to best suit your business. Our team stays abreast of the latest trends and innovations in the IT industry, so we can help you choose solutions that will deliver the expected benefits.

The resulting elements of selecting the correct technologies may include:

  • Technology Assessment Report - a document that provides an analysis of various technologies, compatibility with business requirements, and recommendations for the best fit.
  • Technology Implementation Plan - a document that outlines the timeline, resources, and activities required to implement the selected technology.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis - a summary of the potential costs associated with implementing the technology and the expected benefits to the business.

Planning and Implementing IT Solutions

We provide planning and implementation services for a variety of IT solutions, from individual applications to complex systems. We ensure that all elements of the project are consistent and harmonious, and that the entire process runs smoothly and without obstacles.

Resulting elements of planning and implementation of IT solutions may include:

  • Project Documentation - a set of documents describing the system architecture, features, user interfaces, technical requirements, and other aspects of the project.
  • Project schedule - a document that outlines planned milestones, tasks, deadlines, and resources needed to complete the project.
  • Progress reports - periodic updates on project progress, goals achieved, challenges encountered, and corrective actions required.

Optimization and Support

Once the solution is implemented, we provide support and optimization services to help your business perform better. We use our experience and skills to help you optimize your processes and resources to achieve the full potential of the implemented solution.

Resulting optimization and support elements may include:

  • System Performance Analysis - a report containing the results of system performance testing and optimization suggestions to achieve better results.
  • Optimization Plan - a document detailing the actions needed to improve the efficiency and performance of the systems and a timeline for these actions.
  • Technical Support and Consultation - regular meetings and consultations with experts to solve problems, provide advice and support in technology.
  • Monitoring reports - a compilation of data on the operation of the systems, problems identified, and solutions implemented to maintain the continuity of the systems and ensure their security.

IT Consulting Industry Applications

Finance sector

In the financial sector, IT consulting helps our clients optimize risk management processes, secure financial data, and implement modern payment solutions. Our services have helped clients increase efficiency, reduce operating costs, and improve service security.


In the medical sector, we have helped clients with the digital transformation of clinics and diagnostic centers. We have contributed to the implementation of advanced medical information management systems, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence-based solutions such as diagnostic support and therapy personalization.


In the e-commerce industry, we have advised clients on optimizing platforms, integrating with payment systems, and implementing effective marketing strategies. Our consulting services have helped our clients expand their market reach, improve conversions, and increase revenue.

Education sector

In the education sector, we have helped clients with the digital transformation of universities and educational institutions. We have supported the implementation of cutting-edge e-learning platforms, learning management tools, and student performance analytics, helping to improve the quality of education and increase student satisfaction.

Manufacturing industry

In the manufacturing industry, we have advised our clients on optimizing production processes, automation and implementing solutions based on Industry 4.0 technologies. Our IT consulting services have helped increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve the quality of manufactured goods.

"IT consulting is the key to unlocking the full potential of modern technology for your business. With our experience and expertise, we can help you identify areas for improvement and implement effective solutions. Working with consulting experts allows you to achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness in the rapidly changing world of technology." - Kamil Grzejek


IT Consulting in Escola

IT Consulting is the key to your business success in the digital age. Our team of experienced professionals, combining business and technology expertise, will tailor solutions and strategies for your business development environment.

No matter what industry you're in, we're ready to help you become more efficient, competitive, and implement innovative solutions to grow your business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve greater efficiency and success in your business.