Headless e-commerce platform

We move e-commerce into the world of new technologies by implementing the latest solutions, leveraging the expertise of our specialists, and building a platform from scratch according to the most innovative standards.

We firmly believe that new technologies are the key to the future of e-commerce.

The MACH architecture, encompassing elements such as microservices, API-driven, cloud-native, and headless, brings significant benefits to online stores. With it, you will gain greater flexibility, improved scalability and performance, as well as the ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions. It is future readiness embedded in the current platform.

Daniel Parzych, one of Escola's experts, notes:

"E-commerce is a constantly evolving industry where innovation is the key to success. At Escola, we believe that our MACH architecture-based approach allows online stores to reach new levels of efficiency and competitiveness.”


Our goal is to deliver value by offering innovative e-commerce solutions that solve your challenges and help you succeed in a competitive marketplace.

MACH architecture - the future of e-commerce

MACH architecture is a modern approach to e-commerce store development, based on four key elements: microservices, API-driven, cloud-native and headless. We believe that it is with MACH that e-commerce will reach new levels of efficiency and competitiveness.

Benefits of implementing MACH architecture in online stores:

  1. Microservices: Using microservices allows you to divide your store into smaller, independent parts that can be implemented and developed separately. This allows faster implementation of changes, easier management and scaling of individual store elements, as well as integration with diverse systems. Microservices make the store more resilient to failures, as even the overloading of one module does not affect the operation of the others.
  2. API-driven: stores based on the MACH architecture use APIs as the main mechanism for communication between individual services. This enables easy connection and integration with other systems, resulting in greater flexibility and faster response to market needs. With API-driven, stores can also more easily use various external services, such as ERP, PIM, WMS, marketing systems, data analytics, and AI.
  3. Cloud-native: The MACH architecture is built with cloud computing in mind, which means stores can enjoy its many benefits. The cloud offers reliability, security and performance at the highest level, allowing the store to run smoothly even during busy periods. In addition, cloud solutions allow for flexible scaling of resources, allowing for quick adaptation to changing business needs.
  4. Headless: In the headless approach, the content presentation layer (online store, mobile app) is separated from the business logic layer (shopping cart counting, discount calculation), which facilitates personalization, rapid creation and modification of user interfaces. This makes it possible to adapt to changing customer expectations, as well as to create a consistent shopping experience and connect several online stores within a single dashboard. Headless also allows better use of customer data, which can translate into more effective marketing campaigns and higher conversion rates.

Jedrzej Bulinski, an Escola expert, emphasizes the value of MACH architecture for e-commerce from a technical point of view:

"The MACH architecture is not only the future of e-commerce, but also a solid foundation on which to build a business that constantly evolves and adapts to market needs. It's an approach that allows you to respond efficiently and flexibly to changing customer expectations, which translates into long-term success”.


Our e-commerce experience

We are proud of the many e-commerce projects we have been involved in, working with a wide range of clients. Examples of such projects include ksiazki.pl - Dressler Dublin's online bookstore.

In the case of Dressler Dublin's bookstore, our e-commerce expertise has helped to increase the speed, conversion rates and flexibility of the online store. Our work with Escola has also resulted in improved business processes and the application of innovative solutions in the area of delivery organization, contributing to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

Personalization and analytics in e-commerce

The role of personalization and analytics in online stores is undeniably important. In today's e-commerce world, tailoring your offers to the needs and behaviors of your customers is key to increasing conversions, customer satisfaction and, ultimately, sales.

We understand the importance of personalization and analytics in e-commerce. That's why we help our clients build personalized ecommerce solutions that adapt to users' expectations and preferences. We also work on analyzing data and customer behavior to optimize online stores and provide the best possible shopping experience.

Quote from Escola expert on the importance of personalization and analytics in e-commerce – Luke Zielonka:


"Personalization and analytics are essential to the success of online stores. By customizing offers and analyzing customer behavior, we can optimize sales processes, increase customer satisfaction and drive long-term revenue growth. Every day, we help our customers create personalized e-commerce solutions that deliver real business value”.

Integrating eCommerce systems

E-commerce businesses are faced with the challenge of integrating disparate systems in order to create a cohesive and efficient business environment.  Integrating systems such as logistics, payments, ERP, PIM, WMS, price management, marketing automation, and billing is critical to success in such a complex and competitive marketplace.

We're aware of the need for integration and collaborated with numerous partners to make it easy to bring together various techs effortlessly and smoothly.Our approach is to provide comprehensive and flexible solutions through direct integration via APIs.

We implement e-commerce platform integrations with systems:

  • Logistics - providing efficient management of logistics processes such as shipping, warehousing and receiving of products, resulting in better customer service and lower operating costs
  • Payments - enabling easy and secure financial transactions, increasing customer confidence and online store conversion rates
  • ERP - making it easier to manage company resources, control business processes, and monitor productivity and operational efficiency
  • PIM - enabling you to centralize and manage product information, resulting in better organization of data and easier use in sales and marketing processes
  • WMS - enabling you to effectively manage your warehouse, control inventory levels, and optimize logistics processes
  • Price management - enabling you to manage prices, promotions, and discounts flexibly and effectively, making your store more competitive in the marketplace
  • Marketing automation - which allows you to automate marketing activities, such as sending personalized offers or running remarketing campaigns, resulting in increased reach and number of customers
  • Invoicing - making it easier to manage invoices and control payments, resulting in better organization of business finances
  • POS - enabling on-site sales, improving customer service and increasing business agility
  • Marketplace - enabling you to expand your business reach, reach new customers, and increase your store's visibility in the marketplace
  • Social Selling - making it easier to sell through social media, increase customer engagement, and build strong customer relationships
  • Voice Search and Voice Selling - Enable customers to search and buy products using voice technology, making your store more convenient and accessible
  • IoT - enabling you to collect and analyze data in real time, improve operational efficiency, and create personalized offers
  • In-vehicle - allowing customers to seamlessly shop directly from their vehicles, increasing convenience and satisfaction.

We believe that proper integration of e-commerce systems contributes to increased efficiency, better customer service and optimized operating costs. We strive to create businesses that grow with our platform from inception to business success on an international scale.

Mobile Commerce

With 10 years of experience developing mobile solutions for businesses, we understand the growing role of mobile in e-commerce. We want to help you adapt your online store to meet the needs of today's customers who use mobile technology every day.

The growing role of mobile devices in ecommerce

In today's world, more and more customers are using mobile devices to shop online. This is an opportunity for you to reach new audiences who appreciate the convenience and speed of online stores on their smartphones and tablets. In response to these needs, we offer innovative mobile solutions for your e-commerce.

Mobile solutions for online stores

At Escola, we develop a variety of mobile solutions for online stores. Our services include:

  • Developing web portals that automatically adapt to various platforms, delivering an exceptional shopping experience on any device.
  • Creating and building mobile apps that make shopping on mobile devices easier for people.
  • Optimizing the performance and speed of your online store to meet the expectations of today's users.

Jakub Król on the trends and future of mobile commerce:

"Mobile commerce is already a standard in the e-commerce industry. In the coming years, the majority of transactions will be made on mobile devices. That's why investing in adapting your store to mobile and creating a dedicated mobile application is key to success. At Escola, we help our clients at every stage of mobile project development to keep up with these trends and gain a competitive advantage”.


Omnichannel - a multi-channel approach to ecommerce

Today's customers expect a consistent and seamless shopping experience across all channels - whether online, on a mobile app, on social media, or in a physical store.

A good omnichannel implementation lets your customers move easily between your brand touchpoints, giving them the same experience no matter which channel they choose.

By creating consistent experiences across channels with us, you will gain

  • Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • A higher conversion rate
  • A better understanding of customer behavior and preferences

At Escola, we build multi-channel ecommerce strategies

We use Headless Commerce to enable you to create true multi-channel experiences. With this technology, your online store can work with multiple interfaces simultaneously - from the website, to the mobile app, to the self-service kiosks in the brick-and-mortar store.

Our experts can help you integrate all of these channels into a cohesive system that provides your customers with a seamless and consistent shopping experience, regardless of  which channel they choose.

Escola e-commerce

With the experience gained from numerous implementations, we understand the importance of modern, efficient and scalable solutions. Our mission is to provide you with technology that not only keeps up with the trends, but also anticipates the future needs of your business.

By leveraging our knowledge, experience, and passion for innovation, we can deliver superior services that will truly grow your business. Our approach to e-commerce is based on understanding your specific needs and tailoring our solutions to fit them perfectly.

When you build your store with us, you get

  • Access to the latest e-commerce technologies, such as a platform built on MACH architecture.
  • Assistance in creating multichannel solutions that give you a competitive advantage.
  • Help in integrating different systems to automate and streamline your online store.
  • A team of experts ready to advise you at every stage of your e-commerce journey.

If you are ready to take your e-commerce into the world of new technologies, we look forward to working with you to achieve your business goals.