Mobile App Development

We are not just technology people, we are business strategists with a human approach to business development. We believe that a well-designed mobile application has the power to solve specific business problems. Our experience and individual approach to each project allows us to provide you with a unique mobile application that will translate into user satisfaction. Over the years, we have helped companies become industry leaders and transform their organizations through the effective use of mobile technology.

Here are some of the business problems we solve with mobile applications:

  • Enhance customer engagement: Mobile apps deliver unique, personalized experiences that attract and retain customers. 
  • Improve operational efficiency: Mobile apps streamline business processes, leading to greater efficiency and cost savings.
  • Increase decision-making capabilities: Mobile apps provide valuable data and analytics to make fact-based strategic decisions.

We take a customized approach to each project, which allows us to develop unique solutions. An example of this is the Radio 357 application, which has won recognition from both users and the industry.

As Krzysztof Wojewodzic PhD points out:

"At Escola, mobile app development is not just about technology, but foremost about understanding the business and delivering solutions that bring real value to our customers. This is the key to creating apps that really make a difference.”


How businesses can benefit from a mobile app

We understand that every business has unique needs and goals. That's why we always start by understanding your business and the problems we need to solve. We believe that a properly designed and implemented mobile app can provide many benefits, including.

Enhance customer engagement

When discuss mobile apps, one of the key goals is to increase customer engagement. With personalized experiences, mobile apps are effective in attracting and keeping customers' attention. At Escola, we have experience in creating interactive, intuitive and attractive user interfaces, and we can create apps that not only meet customer expectations, but exceed them. Our team understands the techniques and strategies that keep users coming back to the application, resulting in increased customer engagement and loyalty.

Improve Operational Efficiency

Mobile apps aren't just about engaging customers. We know how to harness their enormous potential to automate and streamline business processes. By integrating with other business systems, mobile apps help keep information flowing and streamline operations within an organization. Past implementations have given us the knowledge and experience to make integrations work effectively. We use our technical expertise to create applications that help companies increase operational efficiency while reducing costs.

Increase decision-making

In the business world, the key to success is making fast, informed and, most importantly, accurate decisions. Mobile applications provide valuable data and analytics that enable fact-based strategic decisions. We use our expertise in data analysis and interpretation to help you better understand your business. We provide you with tools that allow you to monitor relevant metrics and trends in real time, which is sure to contribute to more informed business decisions.

Our approach to mobile application development always starts with a design workshop to understand your needs and goals. We then move on to the programming phase, where a team of experts develops the app according to the agreed specifications. Once the app is deployed, we don't stop. We are with you to provide ongoing support and development of the application so that it continues to add value to your business.

In the words of Kamil Grzejek, our consultant and analyst:


"Design workshops are an important part of our application development process. They allow us to understand your needs and goals, which is key to creating applications that truly add value to your business.”

The Rydde App is a project that combines technology and ecology. The app helps to manage the cleaning and maintenance process on beaches in Norway. In developing the app, we focused on ease of use and functionality that would really help the community organize themselves daily. The result is an app that not only improves beach cleanliness, but also engages users.


Radio 357 is an app that puts good waves behind technology. Legendary Polish radio creators, familiar voices, great content. Our team has created an app that not only lets you listen to the radio, but also gives you access to program archives, host information, and more. The app has been well received by both users and the industry, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews and high ratings in the app stores. In the first few days of its release, it had more downloads than Netflix or TikTok and jumped to number one in the Google and Apple stores.

Our customers' success is of paramount importance. We see how our mobile applications contribute to their business, improve operational efficiency and increase user satisfaction. This is our greatest reward and motivation to keep improving our services.

Mobile Application Development Process

Developing a mobile application is a journey where we help you every step of the way. From idea to finished product, we make sure the process is smooth, efficient, and tailored to your company's unique ecosystem.

  1. Identify your needs: We start by understanding your vision, business goals, and expectations. This helps us develop a strategy that meets your needs. Design Workshop: At this stage, we carefully analyze the problem the application will solve. We work together to establish the intended audience, pinpoint essential features and begin constructing the applications' structure.
  2. UX/UI design: Creating an intuitive and attractive user interface is key to user satisfaction. Our team of experienced UX/UI designers will work to create an interface that will delight your users.
  3. Programming: In this phase, developers turn the design into a working product. We utilize the latest technologies and programming best practices to ensure the quality and efficiency of the application.
  4. Testing: We conduct extensive testing on a variety of devices and operating systems to ensure that the application works properly under all conditions.
  5. Deployment and Support: After the development process is complete, we help you deploy it and provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the application remains functional.

Proces Tworzenia Aplikacji

A personalized approach to each project is key for us. We ensure that each application is unique and tailored to our client's specific business. This ensures that your application is not just another product on the market, but a real tool that contributes to the success of your business.

Technologies for Your Application Needs

Using the latest technologies is the key to creating mobile applications that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing, but also stable, fast and secure. At Escola, we use modern technologies to provide you with the best solutions.

  • Kotlin: This modern programming language is our first choice when developing native Android applications. Kotlin allows us to quickly and efficiently create applications that are reliable, efficient, and user-friendly.
  • Swift: When developing apps for Apple devices, we use Swift. This language allows us to build fast, efficient, and secure applications that meet Apple's highest standards.
  • React Native: When you want to build Android and iOS apps at the same time, we choose React Native. This framework allows us to create a unified, consistent, and efficient app for both platforms, saving you time and resources.
  • PWA (Progressive Web Apps): This is a technology that allows you to create a web app that behaves like a native mobile app. PWA is a great option if you want to give users a native app-like experience, regardless of the device they are using your app on.

As our CTO Matthew Wojczal said:

"Technology is just a tool, but it's the right tool that allows us to create really great things. At Escola, we choose technologies that are not only modern and popular, but also allow us to make products that really help our customers.”


Mobile App from Escola

Your success is our priority. When you work with us, you not only get excellent quality, but also a partner who is committed to your vision and ready to deliver solutions that transform your business.

We start by understanding your goals and needs, and then deliver mobile apps that are not only functional and attractive, but also focused on achieving your business goals.. Our apps are designed with the user in mind, resulting in better engagement and customer satisfaction.

We use the latest technologies and best practices to deliver products that are reliable, efficient and ready to scale. Whether you require a native app for Android, iOS, or a hybrid app for both platforms, we have the expertise to deliver it to you.

We deliver more than just code - we deliver value. We are here to help you transform your business and succeed in the digital world.